Over watered plant condition?

Dangers of Over-watered Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a typical leafy succulent. Sword-shaped leaves are assembled in a spiral socket and serve for water storage.

If you cut the aloe leaf, you will see the flesh filled with plant juice inside. Under a microscope, it resembles cells that store moisture. 

You know that Aloe is a tropical plant. Rains in tropical deserts are rare. So the aloe plant tries to store as much water as possible. 

But with excessive watering, cell membranes begin to burst inside the leaf. As a result, the leaves turn brown and soft.

In this way, the rotten processes develop. Overwatering will make the leaves and the plant rot.

Fungus spores live in the substrate. Low temperature and high moisture are favorable conditions for them. It is almost impossible to save aloe from them. 

Fungal diseases lead to rotting of the root system, stems, and leaves. If you can identify the problem in time, transplant it as soon as possible. 


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